A small css-compiler plugin that works with less
files. It is essentially a wrapper over
less version 2.6
npm i --save thorin-plugin-less@1.x
'use strict'; // app.js entry file const thorin = require('thorin'); thorin.addPlugin(require('thorin-plugin-less')); // <- add this line thorin.run((err) => {});
and output
files to work with. The path of both the input
and the output files are relative to thorin.root
'use strict';
module.exports = {
'plugin.sass': {
watch: false,
files: [{
input: 'app/styles/main.scss',
output: 'public/css/main.css'
}, {
input: 'app/styles/admin.scss',
output: 'public/css/admin.css'
input, output
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